Nuflow’s Pipe Relining Technology Profiled on Today Tonight

Blocked drains, burst water mains, damaged pipes are frustrating. With the capability to design, manufacture and install custom pipe relining solutions throughout Australasia, Managing Director Ed Ahern was proud to be profiled on Today Tonight and create awareness about our environmentally friendly pipe repair solution.

In the segment Ed speaks about his 14 year journey and our innovative pipe relining technologies that repairs blocked or damaged pipes with out digging or destruction.

“We hire polymer engineers and industrial chemists to help us develop our products to where we are today”. Our system basically creates “a new pipe within an old pipe”.

With expansion into New Zealand, Singapore and India, there is now an alternative to digging and replacing submerged pipes in more countries.

With our innovative pipe relining technologies we are fast becoming the new way to keep pipes flowing.

If you would like to discuss a pipe issue contact your local Nuflow team today.

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